10 Facts About Periodontitis You Probably Didn’t Know

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May 1, 2023

Facts About Periodontitis You Probably Didn’t Know

Setting up a regular oral hygiene practice makes it simpler to maintain good dental health. An at-home dental routine is only the first step, just as leading an active lifestyle does not guarantee that you will never encounter health problems. It’s wise to visit your dentist in North York. Many oral health problems can go entirely unrecognized until they are serious.

Although periodontitis is a serious problem that can cause long-term harm to your smile, the condition is particularly misunderstood. Understanding periodontitis will aid you in preserving better dental health both now and in the future, keeping your whole body healthier as a result. 

Below are some facts about periodontitis are things you probably didn’t know:

1. Different from gingivitis

Although both gingivitis and periodontitis are forms of gum disease, they are completely different conditions. A milder form of gum disease called gingivitis occurs when bacteria irritate your gums, resulting in moderate inflammation and easy bleeding. Once a dentist near you determines the issue, you can typically address it at home. However, a much more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis occurs when bacteria reach below the gum line. As soon as they arrive, they start attacking your gums, tooth roots, and other dental-supporting components.

Untreated periodontitis can have a bad effect on your general health, increasing your risk of having a stroke, developing heart disease, or developing respiratory infections.

2. Poor oral hygiene isn’t the only cause of periodontal disease

Even though infrequent or poor hygiene is a well-known cause of periodontitis, there are a number of other risk factors that can still give rise to the condition. This includes lifestyle variables like genetics, prescription drugs, and  disorders like diabetes and autoimmune diseases that you cannot manage. Additionally, since periodontitis is a bacterial infection, it can spread to others. If a family member has periodontitis without knowing it, they can pass that infection on to you.

3. Periodontitis has a wide range of symptoms.

You may have gum disease but don’t even realize it. Due to the ease with which early signs can be overlooked, less than 60% of people with gum disease even know they have it. It is considered a “silent” disease, and because of this, you need to visit periodontists in North York. You don’t detect a difference in the mouth or gums until the disease has advanced. Waiting until you experience symptoms increases your risk of developing major oral health issues.

4. Gum disease isn’t just a disease for older people

The idea that gum disease exclusively affects elderly people is a widely held myth. The truth is that gum disease can affect anyone, including kids. Because of this, it’s crucial for people of all ages to have regular dental examinations every six months to ensure that their oral health is in good shape. Ask a periodontist near you whether he has recently probed your gums and what the depths of the pockets were if you are worried that you may have gum disease.

5. Bleeding gums indicate periodontal disease

Gingivitis, an infection of the gums, particularly at the tips of the teeth, is a sign of periodontal disease in its early stages. This is directly related to gums that bleed when brushing and flossing on a regular basis, resulting in itchiness, redness, and swelling. 

While many people believe that bleeding gums while tooth brushing or flossing is natural, this is actually a sign of early periodontal disease. Fortunately, gingivitis may frequently be treated by adopting good oral hygiene practices like regular brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use.

6. Periodontal disease can contribute to other health problems

Your body’s immune system will deteriorate over time from continuously battling this infection because periodontal disease is a chronic ailment. Numerous other health issues, including diabetes, stroke, and lung disease, might be exacerbated by this. Chronic gum inflammation, if left untreated, can open pathways for invasive plaque bacteria to reach the bloodstream. In fact, according to some research, those with periodontal disease have a twofold increased risk of heart disease compared to those with healthy gums.

7. Lifestyle choices can put you at risk

Although bacterial buildup from plaque is probably the primary cause of periodontal disease, there are a variety of risk factors that could make the problem worse. These consist of:

Smoking, stress, teeth gnashing or clenching, and unhealthy dietary practices. If you identify with one or more of these harmful habits, consider adjusting your lifestyle choices for healthier options. You’ll feel better all around and have a lower chance of getting periodontal disease.

Bayview Village Dental is here to assist you in the fight against periodontal disease and maintain the health and happiness of your mouth. Call us right away.