Bayview Village Dental

Oral Radiology in North York

Patient smiling after oral radiology test in North York

Oral Radiology Near You

Oral radiologists are specially trained in reading and interpreting oral and maxillofacial imaging for both hard and soft tissues. These specialists have a wide range of experience with all types of imaging tools, including 3D and digital imaging tools and techniques.

Types of Dental Radiology

Oral radiology in North York involves an oral radiologist ordering and reading various types of images. In some cases, a radiologist may consult with a dentist regarding the type and location of x-rays required to obtain specific information about a patient’s mouth or facial features. Dental radiologists also have an extensive understanding of the anatomy of the mouth and head, which enables them to spot inconsistencies and abnormalities that may suggest disease or injury. Tooth decay, tumours, gum disease, and infections are among the issues oral radiology near you may help locate and diagnose.

Dentist showing oral radiology results to patient in North York

Book an Appointment Today

Our dental team is dedicated to going the extra mile to ensure that you receive personalized and timely dental care. If you have questions about dental x-rays or other dental technology, reach out to us directly to learn more.

Take care of your oral health & book your
dental hygiene appointment today.