Bayview Village Dental

Oral Medicine in North York

oral medicine in north york

Oral Medicine Near You

Oral medicine near you is a dental specialty that considers the connection between oral health and overall health. In many cases, practitioners of oral medicine in North York are called upon to help plan and deliver dental treatments to medically complex patients.

The Connection Between Medical & Dental Practices

The oral medicine educational pathway includes significant time spent in both medical and dental facilities. Medically complex patients (patients with serious or multiple health issues) require a specialized approach to treatment with oral medicine near you. For example, patients with heart disease may need to be treated using different methods than those without heart disease. Oral medicine in North York also looks at the links between cause and effect, and how medical conditions and oral conditions impact each other or are related to one another.

oral medicine near you

Book an Appointment Today

If you have complex medical needs and require oral medicine near you, we can provide you with access to specialists who have trained specifically to provide you with oral medicine in North York. Reach out to us to book your next oral examination.

Take care of your oral health & book your
dental hygiene appointment today.