Bayview Village Dental

Clear Aligner Therapy in North York

Women getting clear aligner therapy in North York

Clear Aligner Therapy Near You

As a more modern alternative to traditional orthodontics (braces), clear aligner therapy gives patients the freedom to seek out orthodontic treatment that is nearly invisible. This means patients can enjoy a gorgeous smile both during and after treatment. Our dentists are pleased to be able to provide a clear aligner therapy near you as a highly sought-after treatment option for straightening the teeth.

Straightening the Teeth One Tray at a Time

Clear aligner therapy in North York is a technology-based orthodontic option that relies on detailed treatment planning. The teeth are shifted using clear aligners near you that look and feel similar to a retainer. However, each tray is designed to slowly make changes to the positioning of the teeth and jaw. Clear aligners near you need to be worn for most of the day, but they can be removed to be easily cleaned and for eating or other activities, such as playing a musical instrument.

Dentist providing clear aligner therapy near you

Get on the Path to Straighter Teeth Today!

Clear aligner therapy near you is a great option for patients in their teens or adult years. If crooked or gapped teeth have been bothering you for years, it’s time to make a change with clear aligners near you. Reach out to book a customized consultation and learn if you are a candidate for clear aligner therapy in North York.

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