Bayview Village Dental

Dental Implants in North York

Dental Implants  in North York

Dental Implants Near You

As one of many restorative options for missing teeth, dental implants are used to permanently secure a false tooth into place in the mouth. Dental implants near you are one of the more aggressive options in restorative dentistry, but many patients choose them for their longevity and comfort. Our dental team offers dental implant procedures in our North York dental offices.

How Dental Implants Work

Dental implants in North York are titanium screws that are inserted into the jawbone and act as an artificial root for crowns, bridges, or dentures. Prior to your treatment, our Bayview Village dentist will perform a full assessment of your oral and general health to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants near you. Certain chronic diseases, heavy smoking, and alcohol abuse may contraindicate dental implant treatment. However, at Bayview Village Dental Associates, we will do our best to come up with the most suitable dental treatment plan for you so that you can have, maintain, and enjoy a beautiful and healthy lifelong smile.

Dental Implants Near You

Learn if You Are a Candidate for Dental Implants

Dental implants in North York are the closest in function, protection, and appearance to natural teeth. Dental implants near you provide a strong, durable and solid foundation to the artificial tooth, lessen your susceptibility to gum disease, and protect your jaws from bone loss. To learn if you are a candidate, book an appointment with our experienced dentists today.

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