Bayview Village Dental

Root Canal in North York

Root Canal in North York

Root Canal Near You

Root canal near you is a form of endodontic treatment, meaning it deals with the tooth pulp that resides inside the tooth structure. Teeth with damage to or infections in the tooth pulp can be structurally preserved in the mouth when our experienced dentists provide root canal in North York.

How Root Canal Work

The tooth pulp is made up of soft tissue inside the tooth roots (root canal), which includes blood vessels and nerves. The tooth pulp is essential when the teeth are developing. However, it is not essential after the teeth are fully erupted. When tooth pulp becomes infected due to bacteria entering the root canal of the teeth, the infected pulp can be removed to reduce pain and prevent the spread of the infection. Root canal near you allows the tooth to remain in place as usual, staying secure and allowing patients to avoid restorative dental procedures.

Root Canal Near You

Book an Appointment for Root Canal in North York

If continuous tooth pain is keeping you up at night and making you wince throughout the day, you may have an infection that needs to be dealt with quickly with root canal near you. Be sure to get in touch with our dental team to book an appointment for root canal in North York. If the pain becomes severe or is combined with a fever (which can indicate the spread of infection) we can book a last-minute appointment for emergency dental services.

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dental hygiene appointment today.